#5 What happens at mediation?

March 28, 2016

CLICK ON TITLE TO WATCH.  TEXT OF VIDEO:  Hi, my name is Dave Hunter, and I am divorce and family law attorney and mediator here in Utah, and have worked on hundreds of divorce, custody and other domestic cases. This video answers the question: What happens on the day of Mediation? After you set a day and time for mediation, you go to his office. The mediator will give both sides an “opening” that sets the ground rules so the session is productive. You then sign an agreement to mediate that has the ground rules in it, an agreement to keep the process confidential, and gives the mediator’s hourly rates. Next, the mediator will want to make a list of the issues that the parties want to resolve. Both parties are given an opportunity to discuss their background, concerns and possible solutions—privately and confidentially. Depending on the case and the parties, these discussions are sometimes held in the same room, but more frequently in private meetings in a room with only one party and the mediator. The mediator assists in negotiation process. Offers and counter-offers are shared and discussed. Options and creative solutions are discussed until both sides can agree to the solution. Once a final agreement is made, the agreement is written down, reviewed until both sides believe it reflects the agreement, then it is signed by both parties. Sometimes in more rare sessions, partial agreements are reached and signed and follow up mediation is scheduled to return and work on the remaining unresolved issues. After mediation, the parties pay the mediator for the time spent, and the parties receive copies of the signed agreements. I hope this information was useful. If you liked this video, please click “I like this” below, and leave us a comment. I have other related videos you can also watch. Call us to schedule a mediation session, or go online to see our mediation calendar and book online today. Thank you for watching.

October 8, 2015
#2 More About Attorney Mediator David J. Hunter

CLICK ON TITLE TO WATCH VIDEO. TEXT OF VIDEO: :  Hi, my name is Dave Hunter, and I am an attorney […]

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November 10, 2016
#10 What age can a child choose custody?

CLICK ON TITLE TO WATCH VIDEO. TEXT OF VIDEO: Hi, my name is Dave Hunter, and I am an attorney […]

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#12 How can I collect child support?

CLICK ON TITLE TO WATCH VIDEO. TEXT OF VIDEO: Hi, my name is Dave Hunter, and I am an attorney […]

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